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دانلود مولودی ولادت امام رضا (ع) با صدای مداحان اهل بیت (ع)

دانلود مولودی ولادت امام رضا (ع) با صدای مداحان اهل بیت (ع)

السلام علیک یا علی بن موسی الرضا

فرا رسیدن میلاد با سر سعادت فخر ایرانیان ، امام جهانیان ، حضرت امام علی بن موسی الرضا (علیه السلام ) را بر مسلمانان جهان علی الخصوص شیعیان آن حضرت تبریک و تهنیت عرض می نمائیم .

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دانلود مولودی میلاد امام رضا (ع) با صدای حاج محمود کریمی

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‘Palestinians will not give up their land’

'Palestinians will not give up their land'
Democratically-elected Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh
The Palestinian Resistance Movement of Hamas says the people of Palestine will not give away even an inch of their lands to Israel, Press TV reports.

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Bahrain medics seek UN verdict probe

Bahrain medics seek UN verdict probe
Doctors at Salmaniya Hospital treat a protester injured during the Bahraini regime's crackdown in Manama, March 15, 2011.
A group of Bahraini medical professionals sentenced to jail terms for treating anti-regime protesters in Bahrain have urged the UN chief to investigate judicial violations during their military court trials.

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Leader blasts Obama red line, Israel

Leader blasts Obama red line, Israel
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei delivers a speech at the 5th International Conference on Palestinian Intifada in the Iranian capital, Tehran, October 1, 2011.
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has strongly criticized US President Barack Obama for considering Israel's security as his red line.

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