Jordanians protest govt. brutality

Jordanians protest govt. brutalityReviewed by مدیریت پرچم های سیاه شرق on Jul 17Rating:

The protesters, who consisted of journalists and human rights activists, staged a sit-in in the capital, Amman, on Sunday, Xinhua reported.

They voiced outrage at the police brutality against scores of journalists during anti-government demonstrations on Friday.

At least ten people were injured during the crackdown with witnesses saying that some of the assaulted journalists had suffered bruises and fractures.

The Jordan Press Association, who joined the expression of objection, said it would file lawsuits against those involved in the assault.

Tareq Momani, the association’s president said that the reporters were only “doing their job.”

Emboldened by the revolutions in the Middle East and North Africa, Jordanians have been staging sporadic popular protests since January.

During the Friday rallies, they repeated their demand for the resignation of the prime minister, dissolution of the parliament and implementation of political and economic reforms.

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