Israel kills 3 in Syrian march on Golan

Israel kills 3 in Syrian march on GolanReviewed by مدیریت پرچم های سیاه شرق on Jun 5Rating:

Israel kills 3 in Syrian march on Golan

Israeli forces opened fire on pro-Palestinian protesters on Golan Heights border on Sunday, June 5, 2011.
Israeli forces have killed five people and injured ten others when hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters marched from Syria towards Golan Heights at the country’s border with Israel, Syrian state television says.

According to the Syrian TV, a child is among those killed by the Israeli gunfire.

The state-run television also said three of the wounded where in critical condition from Sunday’s shooting.

The television showed footage of Israeli soldiers on top of a tank opening fire on the protesters. Israeli troops have been beefed up near Syria and Lebanon as well as in Jerusalem al-Quds.

The protesters flocked to Golan border on Naksa Day to mark the 44th anniversary of the beginning of Israel’s 1967 Six-Day War against Arabs.

Thousands of Israeli security forces were also on high alert on ‘Naksa Day’, fearing possible unrest.

Live footage broadcast on Syrian TV and Al-Jazeera also showed heavy gunfire along the Golan Heights border and protesters carrying wounded people away.

Israel captured the Golan from Syria in 1967, along with the Palestinian territories of West Bank, East al-Quds and Gaza Strip.

The events came exactly three weeks after tens of thousands of Palestinian refugees living in Lebanon and Syria, marked Nakba (catastrophe) Day on May 15.

In the Gaza Strip, the Israeli military killed two protesters, including one Palestinian teenager, and injuring at least 65 others on the Nakba Day.

Also on May 15, one person was also killed and at least 150 hurt in the Qalandiya village near the city of Ramallah in central West Bank on the same day.


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