Iran, 5+1 announce joint statement to mark end of nuclear talks

Iran, 5+1 announce joint statement to mark end of nuclear talksReviewed by مدیریت پرچم های سیاه شرق on Apr 3Rating:

 Iran and the 5+1 issued a joint statement to mark the end of the intensive nuclear negotiations.
The statement was announced by Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and the European Union Foreign Policy Chief Federica Mogherini here Thursday night.
Mogherini and Zarif are in a university in Lausanne to read out the joint statement on Iran’s nuclear issue.
The statement on Iran’s nuclear program which was issued after eight days of intensive negotiations.
Zarif together with his counterparts from the countries involved in the talks will also be present when Mogherini reads the statement.

Iran, 5+1 announce joint statement to mark end of nuclear talks
Iran, 5+1 announce joint statement to mark end of nuclear talks

Zarif said on Thursday that solutions have been found and negotiating sides are ready to start drafting immediately, IRNA reports.
Zarif made the announcement on his Twitter.

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