Israel snubs US caveat on Iran

Israel snubs US caveat on IranReviewed by مدیریت پرچم های سیاه شرق on Dec 5Rating:

In a Sunday speech at an annual gathering for the Israeli regime’s first Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, Netanyahu made reference to the United States’ recent rebukes of Israel over Tel Aviv’s belligerent rhetoric against Iran and said Israel will make “the right decision at the right moment,” even when allies object, Reuters reported.

Iranian authorities have issued stern warnings that Iran will deliver a crushing response to any attempt at launching a military strike against the country, cautioning that any such measure will entail dire consequences.

On Friday, US Defense Secretary Leona Panetta warned the Tel Aviv regime against launching a military attack against Iran’s nuclear sites.

The consequences, Panetta told a pro-Israeli forum in Washington, could be “an escalation” that could “consume the Middle East in confrontation and conflict that we would regret.”

Earlier, US Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul lambasted the United States’ “automatic” commitment to Israel whose threats on Iran are ‘costing the US dearly.’

Paul also said further economic sanctions against Iran over its nuclear program are leading down the destructive path of war.

The Republican Jewish coalition in the US earlier barred State of Texas Congressman Ron Paul from participating in a GOP debate forum because of his non-military position on Iran.

The US, the Israeli regime and some Western countries have repeatedly accused Iran of pursuing a military nuclear program, using the unsubstantiated allegation as a pretext to pressure the UN Security Council to impose four rounds of sanctions on the country.

Tehran has categorically refuted the Western allegations, saying that as a signatory to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), it has the right to acquire and develop atomic technology for peaceful purposes.

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